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Recommended Conferences for Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment

As per available reports about 04 relevant journals, 05 Conferences, 37 Workshops are presently dedicated exclusively to Risk Assessment and about 62 articles are being published on Risk Assessment.

The Risk Assessment is simply a careful examination of what, in your work, could cause harm to people, so that you can weigh up whether you have taken enough precautions or should do more to prevent harm. Workers and others have a right to be protected from harm caused by a failure to take reasonable control measures.

OMICS International Organizes 1000+ Global Events every Year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 700+ Open access journals which contains over 100000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board and organizing committee members. The conference series website will provide you list and details about the conference organize worldwide.

Scope and Importance:

Risk Assessment Conference provides the scope for opportunities to learn progressed by academicians. Risk Assessment Conference offers excessive quality content to suit the diverse professional development all over the globe. It is a perfect platform to discuss the current discoveries and developments in the field of Risk Assessment.

Accidents and ill health can ruin lives and affect your business too if output is lost, machinery is damaged, insurance costs increase or you have to go to court. You are legally required to assess the risks in your workplace so that you put in place a plan to control the risks. A risk assessment is an important step in protecting your workers and your business, as well as complying with the law. It helps you focus on the risks that really matter in your workplace – the ones with the potential to cause real harm.

In many instances, straightforward measures can readily control risks, for example ensuring spillages are cleaned up promptly so people do not slip, or cupboard drawers are kept closed to ensure people do not trip. For most, that means simple, cheap and effective measures to ensure your most valuable asset – your workforce – is protected. The law does not expect you to eliminate all risk, but you are required to protect people as far as ‘reasonably practicable’. This guide tells you how to achieve that with a minimum of fuss. This is not the only way to do a risk assessment, there are other methods that work well, particularly for more complex risks and circumstances. However, we believe this method is the most straightforward for most organizations. Risk assessment is the determination of quantitative or qualitative value of risk related to a concrete situation and a recognized threat (also called hazard). Quantitative risk assessment requires calculations of two components of risk (R):, the magnitude of the potential loss (L), and the probability (p) that the loss will occur. Acceptable risk is a risk that is understood and tolerated usually because the cost or difficulty of implementing an effective countermeasure for the associated vulnerability exceeds the expectation of loss.

Risk assessment Conference provides a wide range of an objective evaluation of risk in which assumptions and uncertainties are clearly considered and presented.

Market Analysis:

As per the market reports market assessments for all North American and many European and Asian markets. NERA experts have prepared Independent Market Expert Reports in support of over $30 billion in bank debt and capital market offerings, and supported the acquisition of over 21,000 MW of generation. NERA can provide a full range of economic due diligence services. These include customized market price forecasts, review of contracts and fuel supply and transport arrangements, and operating margin projection, leading to detailed asset valuation and risk assessment.

List of Best International Conferences:

  • International Conference on Risk Assessment and Management
  • SRA 2014 Annual Meeting
  • International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response RACR
  • World Congress on Risk Assessment
  • Annual Suspicious Activity & Risk Assessment Conference
  • International Summit on Toxicology & Applied Pharmacology
  • 2014 SRA-Asia Conference
  • Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conferences (MARACs)

Relevant Societies and Associations:

  • Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
  • Society For Marketing Advances
  • Society Communications and Marketing
  • Market Research Society
  • American Marketing Association
  • Auditing Association of Canada, Canada
  • Warwick Marketing Society
  • Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, USA
  • American Accounting Association, USA
  • Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
  • Society for Risk Analysis (SRA)
  • Society of brownfield Risk Assessment
  • Association of Risk Assessment and Management
  • Association of Threat assessment Professionals
  • Risk Assessment Alliance
  • Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, USA
  • American Accounting Association, USA
  • SIFMA (Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association) Internal Auditors Society, USA
  • Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors, UK


  • Pinkerton, USA
  • Hill and Associates, China
  • Yell, UK
  • Centurion
  • Deloitte, USA
  • Metric Stream, USA
  • PWC
  • BPS (Business Protection Specialist), NewYork
  • Mazars, Paris, France, London, UK
  • Amazon Corporate LLC
  • Cellucor
  • PwC
  • Microsoft
  • Sungevity
  • Accenture
  • Salesforce
  • Model Metrics
  • IBM
  • Pinkerton, USA
  • Dun and Bradstreet , Marlow

List of related Journals:

  • International Journal of Economics & Management Sciences
  • Journal of Mass Communication & Journalism
  • International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
  • The Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce
  • Journal of Accounting & Marketing


This page will be updated regularly.

This page was last updated on July 27, 2024

Conference Series Destinations