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France Meetings

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France Content

Conference Series is a blend of scientific research presentations and organizing national and international events which liaise with various research organizations, universities and individual scientists to host 3000+ Global Events in the year 2020 at various beautiful destinations in USA, UK, Spain, Japan, Australia, France, Germany, Italy, UAE, Thailand, China and India the world. Conference Series has achieved incredible advancements in scientific field by building collaborations and association partnering with more than 1000 Scientific Associations across the world in a span of six years. Conference Series conferences calendar also include International Symposiums and Workshops which are arranged in parallel to the scientific-sessions have been organized worldwide where recent discoveries on a particular theme topic is discussed in the presence of eminent personalities working in the similar field area. These scientific conferences provide a stage to the researchers and business professionals to exchange the latest discoveries from across the globe.

Conference Series  adds a fruitful contribution to the scientific community providing a free access to the highly accredited scientific data by publishing research researches in more than 500+ peer-reviewed Open Access journals. OMICS Publishing Group boasts a readership base of 5 million members and has published more than 4 lakh research papers with the help of 100,000 editorial board members and 35,000 reviewers in various fields of science.

France has 37 sites inscribed in UNESCO's World Heritage List and options cities of high cultural interest (Paris being the foremost, followed by urban center, Strasbourg, Bordeaux, Lyon, and others), beaches and seacoast resorts, ski resorts, and rural regions that several get pleasure from its beauty and tranquility. France is one of the main centres for the academic and business conferences. The France Conferences are main attraction for the renowned scientists to visit the country as it provides an excellent opportunity for them to explore and share the knowledge on latest advancements in the field along with a package of tourism at the lavishing places at the countryside. People are determined to plan the practical Workshops and Expo events in this beautiful city to gather the crowd from all over the worlds. Being the best across the globe France Conferences provides a great platform for the business professionals and prestigious biotech, pharma, chemistry, analytical and healthcare companies to introduce their latest products into the international market. France conferences are famous for most of the automobile, engineering and organic farming events as these are one of the vast emerging areas in the economy of France. Various national symposiums and international meetings are being held in France listed under the best France Conferences. The France Conferences organized by Conference Series are going to gather the most eminent personalities of the world making them the best ever conferences organized in any part of France. France Conferences will be a immense proposal for the international crowd to network with the high profiled personalities including the CEO’s MD’s and Board Director position personnel’s to explore the upcoming aspects of development in the particular field.

B2B meetings:

France International events organizes B2B meetings, scientific collaborations and partnership as a part of its international conferences with the intent to enhance as well as explore new business opportunities and to establish a global platform to interact with experts worldwide.

Sponsor Opportunities:

France events provide exciting opportunity to showcase the services of your company to the broad International audience. We would like to take the utmost pleasure in inviting you to Sponsor/ Exhibit at our event. Sponsors and exhibitors are always encouraged to advertise and promote themselves via. Conference Series. Conference Series France Conferences provide an easy and affordable way to the sponsors and exhibitors to promote their program/organization/institution to the targeted academic as well as professional audience


Aix-Marseille University
Artois University
Blaise Pascal University
Bordeaux Montaigne University
Cergy-Pontoise University
Charles de Gaulle University - Lille III
Claude Bernard University Lyon 1
François Rabelais University
Jean Monnet University
Jean Moulin University Lyon 3
Joseph Fourier University
Lille 2 University of Health and Law
Lille University of Science and Technology
Lumière University Lyon 2
Panthéon-Assas University
Pantheon-Sorbonne University
Paris 12 Val de Marne University
Paris 13 University
Paris 8 University
Paris Descartes University
Paris Diderot University
Paris West University Nanterre La Défense
Paris-Sorbonne University
Paul Sabatier University
Paul Valéry University, Montpellier III
Pierre and Marie Curie University
Pierre Mendès-France University
Stendhal University
Toulouse 1 University Capitole
University of Angers
University of Auvergne
University of Avignon
University of Bordeaux
University of Burgundy
University of Caen Lower Normandy
University of Corsica Pasquale Paoli
University of Évry Val d'Essonne
University of Franche-Comté
University of French Guiana
University of French Polynesia
University of La Réunion
University of La Rochelle
University of Le Havre
University of Limoges
University of Maine (France)
University of Marne-la-Vallée
University of Montpellier
University of Nantes
University of New Caledonia
University of Nice Sophia Antipolis
University of Nîmes
University of Orléans
University of Paris III: Sorbonne Nouvelle
University of Paris-Sud
University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour
University of Perpignan
University of Picardie Jules Verne
University of Poitiers
University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne
University of Rennes 1
University of Rennes 2 - Upper Brittany
University of Rouen
University of Savoy
University of Southern Brittany
University of Strasbourg
University of the French West Indies and Guiana
University of the Littoral Opal Coast
University of the South, Toulon-Var
University of Toulouse II - Le Mirail
University of Upper Alsace
University of Valenciennes and Hainaut-Cambresis
University of Western Brittany
Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University

Best Tourist Attractions

Best Tourist Attractions 
Arc de Triomphe 
Bastille (Grenoble) 
Centre Pompidou
Centre Pompidou-Metz 
Château de Chambord 
Château du Haut-Kœnigsbourg 
Eiffel Tower
Louvre Museum 
Metz Cathedral 
Mont Saint-Michel 
Musée d'Orsay
Musée du quai Branly
Musée Picasso 
Notre-Dame de la Garde, Marseille
Palace of Versailles
Puy de Dôme 


Algosource Technologies – photosynthetic microalgae
Synthelis – cell-free systems – you can finance research for Free !
Antabio – next generation of antibacterial drugs
Celenys – 3D cell culture
Novaptech – development of aptamers
Imabiotech – evaluation of drug efficacy and toxicity
Click4tag – detecting pathogenic bacteria
GEG-tech – vectorization systems
Histalim – in situ hybridization and histology
PEP Therapy – innovative peptides as targeted therapies for oncology
Neurosys – drug discovery for neurodegenerative diseases
Smaltis – bacteriology and molecular biology
Innate Pharma – therapeutic antibodies
Oncodesign – preclinical evaluation of anticancer therapies
Invectys – therapeutic cancer vaccine
Poxel – diabetes drug development
Eligo Bioscience – eligobiotics
Wyatt Technology – macromolecular characterization
ProteoGenix – services in molecular biology and immunology
Vectalys – lentiviral vectors
Biolie – enzymatic extraction
Cellectis – gene-editing
Hemarina – marine oxygen carriers
Biotek – microplate instrumentation and software
TxCell – antigen-specific Type 1 Treg cells
Immunodiagnostic systems – Vitamin D determination
Smartox – venom peptides
Valneva – innovative vaccines against infectious diseases
CS Bio – peptide synthesizers
BMG Labtech – microplate readers
InvivoGen – innate immunology specialists
Biomanda – Next-Gen sequencing and biodiversity
Clontech – cloning tools
ChemoMetec – high-speed cell counting
eBioscience – immunology reagents
3D Matrix – synthetic extracellular matrix
NVH Medicinal – new generation of collagen-based products


Algosource Technologies – photosynthetic microalgae
Synthelis – cell-free systems – you can finance research for Free !
Antabio – next generation of antibacterial drugs
Celenys – 3D cell culture
Novaptech – development of aptamers
Imabiotech – evaluation of drug efficacy and toxicity
Click4tag – detecting pathogenic bacteria
GEG-tech – vectorization systems
Histalim – in situ hybridization and histology
PEP Therapy – innovative peptides as targeted therapies for oncology
Neurosys – drug discovery for neurodegenerative diseases
Smaltis – bacteriology and molecular biology
Innate Pharma – therapeutic antibodies
Oncodesign – preclinical evaluation of anticancer therapies
Invectys – therapeutic cancer vaccine
Poxel – diabetes drug development
Eligo Bioscience – eligobiotics
Wyatt Technology – macromolecular characterization
ProteoGenix – services in molecular biology and immunology
Vectalys – lentiviral vectors
Biolie – enzymatic extraction
Cellectis – gene-editing
Hemarina – marine oxygen carriers
Biotek – microplate instrumentation and software
TxCell – antigen-specific Type 1 Treg cells
Immunodiagnostic systems – Vitamin D determination
Smartox – venom peptides
Valneva – innovative vaccines against infectious diseases
CS Bio – peptide synthesizers
BMG Labtech – microplate readers
InvivoGen – innate immunology specialists
Biomanda – Next-Gen sequencing and biodiversity
Clontech – cloning tools
ChemoMetec – high-speed cell counting
eBioscience – immunology reagents
3D Matrix – synthetic extracellular matrix
NVH Medicinal – new generation of collagen-based products

Research Institutes

Aix-Marseille University Faculty of Sciences
Astroparticle and Cosmology Laboratory
Center for Research and Restoration of Museums of France
Centre commun d'études de télévision et télécommunications
Centre de Morphologie Mathématique
Centre de recherche et de documentation sur l'Océanie
Centre de recherches politiques Raymond Aron
Centre national d'études des télécommunications
Curie Institute (Paris)
École française d'Extrême-Orient
Edgar Morin Centre
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
Fondation Jean Dausset-CEPH
French Institute of Petroleum
Geophysical Tomography Group
Grand Accélérateur National d'Ions Lourds
Grenoble Institute of Technology
Higher Institute of Iranian Studies
Institut Charles Sadron
Institut Choiseul for International Politics and Geoeconomics
Institut d'astrophysique de Paris
Institut de biologie moléculaire et cellulaire
Institut de Chimie des Substances Naturelles
Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse
Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris
Institut de Recherche en Communications et Cybernétique de Nantes
Research Institute of Computer Science and Random Systems
Institut de recherche et d'innovation
Institut de recherche pour le développement
Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques
Institut français du Proche-Orient
Institut Gustave Roussy
Institut Henri Poincaré
Institut Interdisciplinaire d'Anthropologie du Contemporain
Institut Jean Nicod
Institut Laue–Langevin
Institut national de la recherche agronomique
Institut national de physique nucléaire et de physique des particules
Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies pour l'environnement et l'agriculture
Institut national de recherche pédagogique
Institut national de recherche sur les transports et leur sécurité
Institute for the Study of Economic and Social Development
Institute for Transtextual and Transcultural Studies
Institute of Analytical Sciences
Jules Horowitz Reactor
Kastler-Brossel Laboratory
Laboratoire d'ethnologie et de sociologie comparative
Laboratoire d'informatique de Paris 6
Laboratoire d'informatique pour la mécanique et les sciences de l'ingénieur
Laboratoire Plasma et Conversion d'Energie
Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems
Laboratory of Solid State Physics
MIM – Laboratoire Musique et Informatique de Marseille
Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble
University of Paris-Saclay
Pasteur Institute
School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences
Scientific and Technical Centre for Building
Station biologique de Roscoff
Terres Inovia
Vision Institute


Here Conferences and Programs are announced to keep update our clients and to bookmark their dates. However, Registrations are not allowed before 12 months of the conference.