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International Conferences

Meet Inspiring Speakers and Experts at our 3000+ Global Conference Series Events with over 1000+ Conferences, 1000+ Symposiums
and 1000+ Workshops on Medical, Pharma, Engineering, Science, Technology and Business.

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Recommended Conferences for Zoonoses


Zoonosis is a process whereby an infectious disease is transmitted between species. It usually refers specifically to diseases that can travel from animals to humans. They include all diseases that people can contract from animals such as wildlife, domestic animals, insects, primates, and birds. Some zoonoses can also travel the opposite way, from humans to other animals which is termed as reverse zoonosis. In direct zoonosis the agent needs only one host for completion of its life cycle, without a significant change during transmission. Transmission between hosts can also be direct (when one animal directly passes the disease to another) or indirect (where an intermediate host transmits the disease but is not affected itself). The means by which a disease is transmitted are known as vectors.

ConferenceSeries International is the leading event organizers which host more than 300 International Conferences across the globe. OMICS group organizes scientific conferences on Clinical Sciences, Engineering & Applied Sciences, Life Sciences, Medical Sciences, Healthcare, Pharmaceutical, Chemistry and it's an ideal platform for international networking. OMICS Publishing Group manages over 400 peer reviewed Open Access Journals in all field of research and practical applications. OMICS group hosts 350 Open Access journals with over 3.5 million readers and therefore the honor and success of an equivalent are often attributed to the robust editorial board that contains over 30000 eminent personalities. These scientific events are emerging as one of the best gathering with the support from 1000 International Collaborations with renowned scientific societies and institutes. ConferenceSeries International events offer exciting chance to showcase the services of your company to the global audience.

ConferenceSeries International in response towards development in the field of animal science organizes various conferences related to the subject such as International Conference on Live Stock Nutrition , Asian Congress on Veterinary , American Veterinary Congress .

Relevant Conferences:
• 40th World Small Animal Veterinary Association Congress 2015 Thailand
• The 18th Federation of Asian Veterinary Associations Congress (FAVA 2014), Singapore Voorjaarsdagen 2015, Netherlands
• 2nd Annual International Conference on Advances in Veterinary Science Research (VETSCI 2014) Singapore
• bpt- Kongress 2014 - German Veterinary Practitioners Association, Germany
• 20th Eurocongress of the Federation of European Companion Animal Veterinary Associations (FECAVA) 2014, Germany

Relevant Associations and Societies:
• Association for Applied Animal Andrology Biennial Meeting
• American Academy of Veterinary Pharmacology & Therapeutics Biennal Symposium
• European Association of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging
• European Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians Biannual Meetings
• Veterinary Organizations & Associations
• Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association
• Canadian Veterinary Medical Association

Major Companies Associated
• Pfizer
• Taconic Farms
• Vet-Stem
• MedinCell
• Abaxis
• Taconic Farms
• Zoetis
• Kemin
• Elanco (Lilly)

This page will be updated regularly.

This page was last updated on October 25, 2024

Conference Series Destinations