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Recommended Conferences for Whole Genome Sequencing

Whole Genome Sequencing

Whole GenomeSequencing
Whole genome sequencing is also called as entire genome sequencing or full genome sequencing or complete genome sequencing. During whole genome sequencing, researchers collect the sample then determine the identity of the three billion nucleotides that compose the human genome. The terribly first human genome was completed in 2003 as part of the project that was formally started in 1990. The flexibility to sequence entire genomes quickly has developed at an unexampled rate over the past decade, having a sweeping impact within the medical, environmental, and biotechnological industries. It conjointly studies regarding the sequencing of mitochondria DNA and within the chloroplast and it is used to guide the therapeutic interventions and predicts malady conditions and issues or problems.
Advantages of Whole Genome Sequencing
• Creating customized plans to treat malady may be possible based not solely on the mutant genes inflicting a malady, however conjointly different genes within the patient’s genome.
• Genotyping cancer cells and understanding what genes are misregulated allows physicians to select the best chemotherapy and potentially expose the patient to less toxic treatment since the therapy is tailored.
• Previously unknown genes may be identified as contributing to a disease state.
• Traditional genetic testing looks only at the common “troublemaker” genes.
• Lifestyle or environmental changes that can mediate the effects of genetic predisposition may be identified and then moderated.
Disadvantages of Whole Genome Sequencing
• The role of most of the genes within the human genome continues to be unknown or incompletely understood. Therefore, plenty of the “information” found in an exceedingly human genome sequence is unusable at present.
• Most physicians don’t seem to be trained in the way interpret genomic knowledge.
• An individual’s genome could contain data that they DON’T wish to know. For example, a patient has genome sequencing performed to determine the most effective treatment plan for high cholesterol. In the process, researchers discover an unrelated allele that assures a terminal disease with no effective treatment.
• The volume of information contained in a genome sequence is vast. Policies and security measures to maintain the privacy and safety of this information are still new.
Conclusion: Genomes conference will be an appropriate and timely occasion to offer an outstanding discussion forum for the best international researchers in all fields of Genome research to discuss newly discovered aspects of Genomes.

OMICS Group International is an amalgamation of Open Access publications and worldwide international science conference and events established in the year 2007 with the sole aim of making the information on Sciences and technology ‘Open Access’. OMICS Group publishes 400 online open access scholarly journals in all aspects of Science, Engineering, Management and Technology. OMICS has 21 days rapid review process involving 30,000 editorial team members with 3.5 Million readers. OMICS ‘Open Access’ has been instrumental in taking the knowledge on science & technology to the doorsteps of ordinary men and women. Research scholars, students, libraries, educational institutions, research centers and the industries are main stakeholders that benefit greatly from this knowledge dissemination. OMICS Group also organizes 300 International Conferences annually across the globe, where knowledge transfer takes place through debates, round table discussions, poster presentations, International workshops, International symposia and exhibitions.
Researches in Genomics include:
• TCGA researchers identify four subtypes of stomach cancer
• Study identifies novel genomic changes in the most common type of lung cancer
• Next step of cutting-edge research into Alzheimer's disease genome
• New clinical sites in Undiagnosed Diseases Network
• Use of clinical genome and exome sequencing
• New approach to analyzing tumor genome promises expanded results
Associations of genome are National Human genome research institute Conferences:
• Single Cell Genomics held during 9–11 Sept, 2014 at Stockholm, Sweden
• 15th International Meeting on Human Genome Variation and Complex Genome Analysis (HGV2014) held during 17–19 Sept, 2014 at Belfast, Northern Ireland
• The Genomics of Common Diseases 2014 held during 17–20, Sept, 2014 at Potomac, MD, USA
• Genome Informatics 2014 held during 21–24, Sept, 2014 at Cambridge, UK
• BioMed Central Conference: Beyond the Genome held during 8–10, Oct, 2014 at Boston, USA
• EMBO Conference: From functional genomics to systems biology held during 8–11, Oct, 2014 at Heidelberg, Germany
• CSHL Personal Genomes held during 12–15, Oct, 2014 at Cold Spring Harbor, NY, USA

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This page was last updated on September 18, 2024