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Recommended Conferences for Reflecting Telescope

Reflecting Telescope

As per available reports about 5 relevant Journals and 3 Conferences are presently dedicated exclusively to Reflecting Telescope and about 32 open-access articles and 47 conference proceedings are being published on Reflecting Telescope.

Reflecting telescope (also called a reflector) is an optical telescope which uses a single or combination of curved mirrors that reflect light and form an image. Applications of reflecting telescopes are in the fields of OptoelectronicsAtomic, Molecular and Optical PhysicsPhotonics etc.

OMICS International Organizes 1000+ Global Events Every Year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 700+ Open access journals which contains over 100000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board and organizing committee members. The conference series website will provide you list and details about the conference organize worldwide.

Scope and Importance:
Reflecting Telescope Conference provides the scope for opportunities to learn progressed by international scientists and academicians. Reflecting Telescope is also sometimes also called as reflector which are used in nearly all large research-grade astronomical telescopes. Reflecting telescopes come in many design variations and may employ extra optical elements to improve image quality or place the image in a mechanically advantageous position. Since reflecting telescopes use mirrors.

Nearly all large research-grade astronomical telescopes are reflectors. There are several reasons for this:

·Reflectors work in a wider spectrum of light since certain wavelengths are absorbed when passing through glass elements like those found in a refractor or in a catadioptric telescope.

·In a lens the entire volume of material has to be free of imperfection and inhomogeneities, whereas in a mirror, only one surface has to be perfectly polished.

·Light of different wavelengths travels through a medium other than vacuum at different speeds. This causes chromatic aberration. Reducing this to acceptable levels usually involves a combination of two or three aperture sized lenses (see achromat and apochromat for more details). The cost of such systems therefore scales significantly with aperture size. An image obtained from a mirror does not suffer from chromatic aberration to begin with, and the cost of the mirror scales much more modestly with its size.

·There are structural problems involved in manufacturing and manipulating large-aperture lenses. Since a lens can only be held in place by its edge, the center of a large lens will sag due to gravity, distorting the image it produces. The largest practical lens size in a refracting telescope is around 1 meter. In contrast, a mirror can be supported by the whole side opposite its reflecting face, allowing for reflecting telescope designs that can overcome gravitational sag. The largest reflector designs currently exceed 10 meters in diameter.

Market Analysis:
Optical science is studied in many related disciplines including astronomy, various engineering fields, photography, and medicine (particularly ophthalmology and optometry). Practical applications of optics are found in a variety of technologies and everyday objects, including mirrors, lenses, telescopes, microscopes, lasers, and fiber optics. In the last 30 years lasers have become generally accepted in science and technology, as well as in industry, medicine, and protection of the environment. Optical systems are ubiquitous in modern society, from Medical sciences to space exploration, telecommunications, information processing and innumerous industrial and military applications of all kinds.

List of Best International Conferences:

  • 5th Lasers, Optics and Photonics Conference,
    December 01-03, 2016 Chicago, USA
  • Physics Conference,
    June 27-29, 2016 New Orleans, USA
  • 4th Photonics Conference,
    Sep 1- 3, 2016 Atlanta, USA
  • PHOTOPTICS 2016,
    February 27-29, 2016 Rome, Italy
    April 4-7, 2016 Brussels, Belgium
    August 28-September 1, 2016 San Diego, USA
  • ICOLS 2016,
    January 12 - 13, 2016 Zurich, Switzerland
  • CLEO 2016,
    June 5-10, 2016 San Jose, USA

Relevant Society and Associations

  • The Royal Society
  • The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada
  • The Bridgewater Astronomical Society
  • The American Astronomical Society (AAS)
  • The Optical Society
  • Optical Society of America
  • European Optical Society
  • Antique Telescope Society
  • Society for Astronomical Sciences
  • Society for Popular Astronomy


  • Orion Atlas
  • Company seven
  • OZ Optics Ltd.
  • ii-vi incorporated
  • IRD - International Radiation Detectors
  • Lambda Research Optics
  • Ophir Optronics
  • OptoSigma
  • Perkin Elmer

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This page was last updated on July 27, 2024

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