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Recommended Conferences for Gemmotherapy


Gemmotherapy is a method of herbal medicine that uses remedies made largely from the embryonic tissue of various trees and shrubs, but also use from the reproductive parts and from newly grown tissue. In two cases, remedies are also made from the sap.
This raw material is taken in the Spring, at the peak time of the tree or shrub’s annual germination, in order to capture the various nutrients, vitamins, plant hormones and enzymes that are released during this process, and which in some cases are only present in the plant at this time.
Gemmotherapy, like many other alternative therapies, lacks an evidential basis and is not accepted as an efficacious treatment by the scientific community.

Development And Spread Of Gemmotherapy
The therapeutic effects of Gemmotherapy made from the embryonic material of plants were first examined in the late 1950s by a Belgian doctor, Dr. Pol Henry (1918-88), working with a group of French homeopaths and biotherapists including Dr. Max Tetau (1927-2012) and Dr. O.A. Julian (1910-84). They performed a series of clinical trials on humans and animals to create the psycho-pharmacological effects of, initially, some twenty or so gemmotherapy remedies, and published several monographs detailing their findings.

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This page was last updated on July 27, 2024

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