Probiotic Conference 2012, Hilton San Antonio Airport, USA
International Conference and Exhibition on


November 19-21, 2012 Hilton San Antonio Airport, USA
Probiotics -2012

    Previous Events
    Supporting Journals
    OMICS Group Symposia

    �Organize your events at our Conferences�

    OMICS Group Conference & Symposium is unlike any event you have ever attended. Rather than a series of short-term presentations on a broad range of often unrelated topics, you will enjoy content-rich, day-long programs focusing on the disciplines most critical to each career professional�s success.

    OMICS Group takes the pleasure in Inviting contributions that are both empirical and conceptual towards organising Symposium in an exploring environment, and which are open to all types of research methodologies both from academia and industry.

    Make the most from a professionally rewarding experience with the following and more key benefits

    • Designed to meet the needs of both experienced and new career professionals.
    • It creates a great opportunity for you to organize your symposiums and become a part of our esteemed conference.
    • OMICS Group provides a platform to make great professional contacts, and leave the conference with takeaways that will immediately elevate your performance and success.
    • Defining your path and managing your successful and profitable entrepreneurial/academic journey.
    • Mastering new strategies, tools, and techniques for career coaching, job search coaching, interview training and more.
    • Listening to presentations will inform you of what others are doing, will inspire research ideas of your own and will expose you to different styles of presentation.
    • Knowing colleagues at other institutions helps you be part of a community.
    • Each day is a self-contained with �conference within a conference�. Attend one, two, or all three days so that you can capture the information that�s of most interest and value to you, your clients and your business, college, university and outplacement company.
    Student Poster Award Competition
    Young Scientist Challenge Trophy
    Probiotics 2012, Probiotics Supplements Reviews
    Probiotic Supplements, Probiotic Foods
    Probiotics Benefits, Types of Probiotics
    Renowned Speakers
    speaker S.K. Dash
    South Dakota State University, USA

    speaker Liubov Sichel
    Pure Research Products, USA

    speaker Gregory Leyer
    DuPont Nutrition & Health, USA

    speaker Lawrence J Hoberman
    Health by Design, USA

    speaker Min Tze Liong
    Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia

    speaker Wilhelm Holzapfe
    Handong Global University, South Korea

    speaker Suzanne Garland
    University of Melbourne, Australia

    speaker Yuichiro Yamashiro
    Juntendo University, Japan

    speaker Svetoslav Todorov
    University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

    speaker Shinji Fukuda
    Keio University, Japan

    Probiotic Conference
    Conference Secretariat: Probiotics-2012, OMICS Group Conferences
    5716 Corsa Ave., Suite 110, Westlake, Los Angeles, CA 91362-7354, USA
    Phone: +1- 650-268-9744, Fax: +1-650-618-1414
    Toll free: 1-800-216-6499(USA & Canada), 1-800-651-097(Australia), 0805-080048(Europe)
    Operated by: Editors:- Journal of Food Processing & Technology, Journal of Microbial & Biochemical Technology, Journal of Bacteriology & Parasitology and Journal of Medical Microbiology & Diagnosis
    The Organizers reserve the rights to make changes and adjustment to the information in this website
    Copyright 2008-2012 OMICS Group - All rights reserved
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