18th International Conference and Exhibition on Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology in Health Care
October 08-09, 2018 Osaka, Japan

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Nanomedicine 2018
Nanomedicine 2018 Report

We gratefully thank all our wonderful Speakers, Conference Attendees, Students, Media Partners, Associations and Sponsors for making Nanomedicine 2018 Conference a success

The 18th International Conference on Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology in Health Care, hosted by the Conferenceseries LLC LTD was held during October 08-09 2018 at Osaka, Japan based on the theme “Embarking Next Generation Delivery Vehicles for Affordable Healthcare". Benevolent response and active participation was received from the Organizing Committee Members along with Scientists, Researchers, Students and leaders from various fields of Medicine, Nanotechnology, pharmacy, who made this event a grand success.

The meeting reflected various sessions, in which discussions were held on the following major scientific tracks:

Conference Series LLC LTD also took privilege to felicitate the Keynote Speakers, Organizing Committee Members, Chairs and sponsors who supported this event

With the success of Nano Medicine 2018, Conference Series LLC LTD is proud to announce the "19th International Conference and Exhibition on Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology in Healthcare" to be held during April 04-06,2019 Auckland, New Zealand.

For More details visit: https://nanomedicine.conferenceseries.com/

Expert Presentations


Conference: Nanomedicine 2018, Conference Series Conferences
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Operated by: Editors - Journal of Nanomedicine & Nanotechnology, Journal of Nanomedicine & Biotherapeutic Discovery and Journal of Nanomaterials & Molecular Nanotechnology
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