5th International Conference on Medicinal Chemistry & Computer Aided Drug Designing and Drug Delivery
December 05-07, 2016 Phoenix, Arizona, USA

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MedChem and CADD 2016
MedChem and CADD 2016 Report

Medicinal Chemistry 2016 Report

Conference Series LLC Ltd successfully organized 5th International Conference on Medicinal Chemistry & Computer Aided Drug Designing and Drug Delivery during December 05-07, 2016 at Phoenix, USA and received great and fruitful response. Eminent Scientists, Researchers, Pharmacists, Industry Professionals and scholar students has made their resplendent presence and addressed the gathering.

The theme of the conference “Exploring Chemistry: Electronic Structure Methods, Computational Chemical Analysis & Chromatographic Techniques for Drug Discovery.”

MedChem & CADD-2016 Organizing Committee would like to thank the Moderator of the conference, Ms. Olayide A. Arodola, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa who contributed a lot for the smooth functioning of this event.

Conference Series LLC Ltd would like to convey a great appreciation to following honourable guests and Keynote speakers.

L. Mario Amzel, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Thorsten Nowak, C4X Discovery Holdings PLC., UK

Tatsuya Takagi, Osaka University, Japan

Victor Hruby, University of Arizona, USA

Concepción González-Bello, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Carsten Detering, BioSolveIT Inc., USA

Jetze J. Tepe, Michigan State University

Marc Le Borgne, University Lyon 1, France

Mitsuji Yamashita, Shizuoka University, Japan

Conference Series LLC Ltd also took the privilege of felicitating MedChem & CADD-2016 Organizing Committee, Editorial Board Members of Journal of Medicinal Chemistry,  Journal of Drug Designing and  Biochemistry & Pharmacology, Keynote Speakers, Chair and Co-Chairs and Moderator whose support made conference a great success.

Expert Presentations
Alessandra Nurisso

University of Geneva

Andreia Valente

Universidade de Lisboa

Carsten Detering

BioSolveIT Inc.,

Thorsten Nowak

C4X Discovery

United Kingdom
Concepción González-Bello

University of Santiago de Compostela

Maria Helena Garcia

Universidade de Lisboa

Mitsuji Yamashita

Shizuoka University

Tatsuya Takagi

Osaka University

Yanli Wang

National Institutes of Health

Conference: MedChem and CADD 2016, Conference Series Conferences
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Contact: medchem@conferenceseries.net
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Operated by: Editors - Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Journal of Drug Designing and Biochemistry & Pharmacology
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