Industrial Biotechnology Congress
August 10-12, 2015 Hilton Birmingham Metropole Hotel, Birmingham, United Kingdom

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Industrial Bio-2015
Industrial Bio-2015 Report

Industrial Biotechnology Congress  (Industrial Bio-2015) was held during August 10-12, 2015 at Hilton Birmingham Metropole Hotel, Birmingham, United Kingdom .The conference was marked with the attendance of Editorial Board Members of supported OMICS Group Journals, Scientists, young and brilliant researchers, business delegates and talented student communities representing more than 30 countries, who made this conference fruitful and productive.

This conference was based on the theme “Milestones of Innovative Scientific Research in Biotechnology & its Industrial Applications” which included the following scientific tracks: 

Biotechnology and its Applications

White Biotechnology

Microbial and Biochemical Technology

Metabolomics and Genomics Research

Food Processing, Functional Foods and Health

Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industry

Tissue Engineering and Biomaterials

Green Biotechnology

Environmental Biotechnology

Biotechnology in Healthcare Industry

Stem Cell Therapeutics - Commercialization

Nano biotechnology

Regulatory and Ethical Aspects


Occupational Safety and Health

We are thankful to our below Honorable guests and Keynote Speakers for their generous support and suggestions.

Nikolai Zhelev – Albertay University, UK


Lew P. Christopher - Lakehead University, Canada

Julang Li - University of Guelph, Canada

The conference proceedings were carried out through various Scientific-sessions and plenary lectures, of which the following topics were highlighted as Keynote-presentations:

  • Production of antimicrobial peptide, protegrin-1 in Pichia pastoris and its protection against DSSinduced colitis : Julang Li, University of Guelph, Canada
  • Improving organophosphate-hydrolyzing activity of human paraoxonase 1 by mutagenesis approach: Rajan K Tripathy, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, India
  • Purification and characterization of amidase from Paracoccus sp. SKG: Utilization of amidase inhibited whole cells for bioconversion of acrylonitrile to acrylamide: T. B. Karegoudar, Gulbarga University, India 
  • Nutrigenetics and metabolic diseases: Towards personalized nutrition: Vimal Karani S, University of Reading, UK
  • Studies on the microbiology and biogeochemistry of phosphate-rich soils: Sami A Al Yahya, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia

The esteemed guests, Keynote speakers, well-known researchers and delegates shared their innovative research and vast experience through their fabulous presentations at the podium of grand Industrial Bio-2015. We are glad to inform that all accepted abstracts for the conference have been published in OMICS Group Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials as a special issue.

We are also obliged to various delegate experts, company representatives and other eminent personalities who supported the conference by facilitating active discussion forums. We sincerely thank the Organizing Committee Members for their gracious presence, support, and assistance. With the unique feedback from the conference, OMICS International would like to announce the commencement of the “2nd  Industrial Biotechnology Congress" to be held during July 28-29. 2016 Berlin, Germany.


Expert Presentations
Nikolai Zhelev

Abertay University

Lew P. Christopher

Lakehead University

Julang Li

University of Guelph

Mikael Bjerg Caspersen

Novozymes Biopharma

Diego A Nieto Monteros

Universidad Tecnica Particular de Loja

Conference: Industrial Bio-2015, Conference Series Conferences
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Operated by: Editors - Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials, Journal of Bioprocessing & Biotechniques and Journal of Microbial & Biochemical Technology
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