International Conference on Epidemiology & Evolutionary Genetics
August 21-23, 2013 Holiday Inn, Orlando International Airport, Orlando- FL, USA

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Epidemiology-2013 Report

The International Conference on Epidemiology & Evolutionary Genetics (Epidemiology-2013) took place at Holiday Inn, Orlando International Airport, Orlando- FL, USA during August 21-23, 2013. The conference witnessed the attendance of Editorial Board Members of supporting OMICS Group Journals, world renowned scientists, budding researchers, business delegates and talented student communities representing more than 25 countries, making this conference worthy, fruitful and productive.

The three day program witnessed thought provoking speeches from experts, academicians & researchers which focused around the theme “Understanding the Strategies Underlying the Overall Improvement of Public Health" which subsumed the following tracks:

  • Molecular Epidemiology
  • Epi-Genetics and Chromatin
  • Infectious Disease Epidemiology
  • Cancer, Hormonal and Reproductive Epidemiology
  • Cardiovascular Epidemiology
  • Geographical Information Science
  • Environmental Epidemiology
  • Injury and Risk Factor Epidemiology
  • Occupational Epidemiology
  • Radiation Epidemiology
  • Nutritional Epidemiology
  • Pharmaco- Epidemiology
  • Evolutionary Genetics
  • Advancements and Future of Epidemiology

Epidemiology-2013 was moderated by Dr. Kenneth Blum, currently the Professor, University of Florida, USA, Chairman of the Board and Chief Scientific Officer of Life Gen, Inc. San Diego, California and Managing partner of Reward Deficiency Solutions, LLC, San Diego, California.

Some thought provoking Keynote Lectures were the spotlight of this meeting and we take the privilege to thank all the speakers for their generous support & guidance. The Honourable Guests & the distinguished Keynote Speakers were:

·         Dr. Mukesh Verma, National Institutes of Health, USA

·         Dr. Kenneth Blum, University of Florida, USA

·         Dr. Gil Atzmon, Albert Einstein College of Medicine

·         Dr. Bruce M Rothschild, University of Kansas, USA

·         Dr. Diana Anderson, University of Bradford, UK

Various sessions were Chaired & Co-chaired by our dynamic researchers Dr. Kenneth Blum, University of Florida, USA, Dr. Jisook Moon, CHA University School of Medicine, South Korea, Dr. Mukesh Verma, National Institutes of Health, USA, Dr. Diana Anderson, University of Bradford, UK and Dr. Bruce M Rothschild, University of Kansas, USA.

Also the conference witnessed two thought provoking & wonderful symposia organized by Dr. Mukesh Verma & Dr. Scott Jackson enlightening the topic and the theme which helped the budding researchers to move on further with their research and helped them in refining their knowledge.

OMICS Group has taken the privilege of felicitating Epidemiology-2013 Organizing Committee, Editorial Board Members and Keynote Speakers who supported towards the success of this event. OMICS Group, on behalf of the conference Organizing Committee congratulates Best Poster awardees: Luisa Morales Torres, Ponce School of Medicine & Health Sciences, Gulnara Patricia Borja Cabrera & her Students from Central University of Ecuador, Ecuador & Yeidyly Vergne Martinez, Ponce School of Medicine & Health Sciences for their outstanding performance and appreciates all the participants who put their efforts in poster presentations and sincerely wishes them success in future endeavours.  

The honourable guests, Keynote speakers, reputed researchers, delegates and budding researchers shared their innovation and experience through their fantastic presentations at the podium of Epidemiology-2013. We are glad to inform that all accepted abstracts for the conference have been published in OMICS Group Journal of Epidemiology: Open Access as a special issue.

 We are grateful to various delegates from companies and institutes who actively took part in the discussions. We sincerely thank all the Organizing Committee Members of Epidemiology-2013 for their support throughout the planning and organizing of this conference. Our special thanks to our Editorial Board Members for providing advice on the agenda, and in supporting the conference. We hope that you enjoyed the calibre of presentations and our hospitality.

We are pleased to thank all the Media Partners of the Conference Aark Store, Global Save Media Group, Bio save, Ab save, Lab save, Bentham science publishers, Binding DB,, Biz trade shows, Business with India, C Locate and Conferensum in helping us to make the conference reach all through the globe and giving it a huge exposure with their advertisements.

With valuable feedback and the response generated from the conference, OMICS Group would like to announce the commencement of "2nd International Conference on Epidemiology and Evolutionary Genetics” from November 03-05, 2014 Beijing, China.

We certainly enjoyed having you and look forward to see you again! 

Expert Presentations
Mukesh Verma

National Institutes of Health, NIH

Kenneth Blum

University of Florida

Gil Atzmon

Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Bruce M Rothschild

University of Kansas

Diana Anderson

University of Bradford

Jennifer J. Hu

University of Miami

Axel C Carlsson

Karolinska Institutet

Leila Vali

Kuwait University

Gulnara Patricia Borja Cabrera

Central University of Ecuador

Jisook Moon

CHA University School of Medicine

South Korea
Michael Abend

Bendeshwehr Institute of RadioBiology

Katre Atlmets

University of Tartu

Shilpika Saxena

Medical University of Americas

Sunita Dodani

University of Florida (UF) College of Medicine

Vishal Saxena

Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Medicine

Waseem Khaliq

John Hopkins School of Medicine

Yufeng Wang

University of Texas at San Antonio

Ernesto Seggara

Ponce School of Medicine & Health Sciences

Puerto Rico, USA
Conference: Epidemiology-2013, Conference Series Conferences
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Operated by: Editors - Journal of Epidemiology, Journal of Genetic Syndromes & Gene therapy and Journal of Gene Technology
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