International Conference and Exhibition on Mesoscopic and Condensed Matter Physics
June 22-24, 2015 Boston, USA

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Condensed Matter Physics 2015
Condensed Matter Physics 2015 Report

Condensed Matter Physics-2015 Report

We would like to thank all of our wonderful speakers, conference attendees and students for making Condensed Matter Physics-2015 a wonderful event.

The 1st International Conference and Exhibition on Mesoscopic & Condensed Matter Physics, hosted by the Conference Series LLC Ltd was held during June 22-24, 2015 at Crowne Plaza Hotel, Boston, USA with the theme Highlighting and Focusing on Future Prospects in Condensed Matter Physics". Benevolent response and active participation was received from the Editorial Board Members of Conference Series LLC Ltd Journals as well as from the scientists, engineers, researchers, students and leaders from the fields of Condensed Matter Physics, who made this event successful.

Condensed Matter Physics 2015 witnessed an amalgamation of peerless speakers who enlightened the crowd with their knowledge and confabulated on various newfangled topics related to the field of Mesoscopic and Condensed Matter Physics. The conference was initiated by the Honourable moderator  Dr. Hongchen Jiang with his introductory speech followed by a series of lectures delivered by Honourable Guests, Dr. Kazuhisa Kakurai, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan; Dr. Peter L Hagelstein, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. Dr. Arun Bansil, Northeastern University, USA; Dr. Vytautas Balevicius, Vilnius University, Lithuania and the member of the keynote forum Dr. Mehdi Anwar, University of Connecticut, USA; Dr. Carol Heckman, Bowling Green State University, USA; Dr. Timothy R Field, McMaster University, Canada; Dr. Nicholas Curro, University of California, USA; Dr. Ajay Kumar Mishra, University of South Africa, South Africa and Dr. Jan Smotlacha from Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Russia concluded the 1st and last day of the event with their live workshops satisfying the theme of the conference “Highlighting and Focusing on Future Prospects in Condensed Matter Physics"

This conference was a path breaking opportunity for Students too, who were given a chance to exhibit their paramount research work through Poster Presentation and discuss the same with the exalted scientists.

The meeting was carried out through various sessions, in which the discussions were held on the following major scientific tracks:

  • The States of Matter
  • Phase Phenomena and Electronic Phenomena
  • Electronic Phases, Semiconductors and Superconductors
  • Magnetic Phases
  • Quasiparticles and Soft Matter
  • Quantum Optics
  • Organic Electronics
  • X-Ray Scattering
  • Properties of Cellular Networks and Mesoscale Systems in Biology
  • Applications and New Dimensions in Technology

Conference Series LLC Ltd International offers its heartfelt appreciation to organizations such as Nanotechnology Industries Association (NIA), Semiconductors Society of India (SSI), Hellenic Metallurgical Society and Colombian society of Engineering Physics (SCIF) and obliged to the Organizing Committee Members, adepts of field, various outside experts, company representatives and other eminent personalities who supported the conference by facilitating the discussion forums. Conference Series LLC Ltd also took privilege to felicitate the Organizing Committee Members and Editorial Board Members who supported this event.

With the grand success of Condensed Matter Physics 2015, Conference Series LLC Ltd is proud to announce the "2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Mesoscopic & Condensed Matter Physics” to be held during October 24-26, 2015 at New Orleans, USA.

For More details visit:

Let us meet Again @ Condensed Matter Physics-2016

Expert Presentations
Peter L. Hagelstein

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Arun Bansil

Northeastern University

Mehdi Anwar

University of Connecticut

Carol Heckman

Bowling Green State University

Timothy R Field

Timothy R Field

Ajay Kumar Mishra

University of South Africa

South Africa
Jan Smotlacha

Joint Institute for Nuclear Research

Hong-Chen Jiang

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and Stanford University

Daniel Prober

Yale University

Igor Tralle

University of Rzeszow

Nicholas Curro

University of California

Xiaoming Wen

University of New South Wales

Fengyuan Yang

The Ohio State University

Conference: Condensed Matter Physics 2015, Conference Series Conferences
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