
Preconference workshop "Regenerate"-2014

June 30, 2014 Vienna, Austria
Tissue Science - Where are we now? Where are we going?
Preceding the 3rd International Conference on Tissue Science & Regenerative Medicine we offer young scientists the unique opportunity to meet the experts in the field of tissue engineering. With a full program of talks and discussions we provide the perfect environment for networking and exchanging ideas with experts and fellow researchers from your field. A closing panel discussion with all speakers offers the participants of the REGENERATE-Workshop a unique chance to explore and discuss the future of Regenerative Medicine with the leaders of the field.
In the pre conference workshop "Regenerate" held at the University of Natural Resources and Life Science (BOKU) in Vienna on 30th June 2014 the following topics were covered by internationally renowned experts in the field of regenerative medicine and tissue engineering.
Tissue Engineering and Cell Based Therapies: Past, Present, Future, clinical needs regulation and market opportunities and veterinary regenerative medicine. The presentations impressively covered all aspects of the interdisciplinary "essentials" of tissue engineering followed by the lively panel discussion moderated by Prof. Peter Johnson (Co-Editor-in-Chief of Tissue Engineering journal). The stand-out aspect of the workshop was the intensive exchange between academic researchers and clinicians which also provided a unique opportunity for young scientists to be engaged in high level discussions and networking.
Meet the Experts
Cornelia Kasper
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences(BOKU), Austria
Peter Johnson
Co-Editor-In-Chief of Tissue Engineering journal & Vice president R&D, Vancive Medical Technologies, USA
Title: "Key gaps in the commercialization of regenerative
medicine products"
Lars-Peter Kamolz
Medical University of Graz, Austria
Title: "Where is the need in clinical practise"
Heike Walles
University of Wurzburg, Germany
Title: "Automated 3D Culture"
Martin Hildebrandt
TUMCells Interdisciplinary Center for Cellular Therapies Technical University Munich, Germany
Title: "ATMPs, GMP and risk management"
Meike Keck
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Vienna
Title: "Generation of the hypodermis in a vascularized three layered skin substitute"
Florien Jenner
University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna
Title: "Veterinary regenerative medicine – clinical patient's as potential models for naturally occurring disease"
Workshop photos
University of Life Sciences and Natural Resources, Vienna (BOKU), Schwackhöfer Haus, ground floor, seminar room 06
Peter-Jordan-Strasse 82
1190, Vienna

Email:tissuescience2014@omicsgroup.us |tissuescience2014@omicsonline.net