Pre-Conference Workshop on
3rd International Conference and Exhibition on
Nutrition & Food Sciences
7 May, 2014 University of Camerin
Theme: New Scenario in Public Health Nutrition University of Camerino
OMICS Group 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Nutrition & Food Sciences during September 23-25, 2014 Valencia, Spain is excited to announce the Preconference Symposium, which will be held at Aula Magna of School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Camerino on 7 May, 2014.
The Preconference symposium provides a concentrated focus on timely and important research areas, as do the OMICS Group Nutrition & Food Science conference. They allow attendees to focus their full attention to a designated topic over 5-6 hours period; offer much more interaction and discussion between speakers and the audience; limit audience size; and offer attendees a more in-depth review of important topics than is typically allowed in a "snapshot" symposium. This symposium will give a great possibility to bring together Scientists, Foundations and Industries to discuss ideas on how to continue research after this great accomplishment.
OMICS Group welcomes you to attend the 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Nutrition & Food Sciences during September 23-25, 2014 at Valencia, Spain.
We cordially invite all the participants who are interested in sharing their knowledge and research in the arena of Nutritional & Food Sciences.
Nutritional Science-2014 anticipates more than 300 participants around the globe with thought provoking Keynote lectures, Oral and Poster presentations. The attending delegates include Editorial Board Members of related OMICS Group Journals.
This is an excellent opportunity for the delegates from Universities and Institutes to interact with the world class Scientists.
The intending participants can confirm their participation by registering for the conference along with your colleagues. Avail the delegate early bird offer.
The main theme of the conference is "Importance of Nutrition in Daily Life & Advancing towards the Better and Healthier Future".